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Menstruation: 7 Myths and Realities

We have all heard certain myths about periods, that cringe us to the shoulders. Some sentences that are heard over a long period of time, affect our thinking.
For eg. “You cannot wear white pants while in your periods” or “You must not go to the gym while menstruating” or “It’s not healthy to travel longer distances during that time of the month” But here are some myth busters to change the vibe!

1) PMS is for every woman!

Not all women, get hit by the mood swings. Some are equally blessed with PMS in different ways. Some take it out on food, while some take it out on sleep! PMS simply means Pre/Post Menstrual Syndrome that affects our physical, mental and behavioral health. None the less, catching a term like ‘PMS’ and defining each reaction of women is not only hypocrite, but is equally disrespecting.
That’s how periods are---Unique for everyone!

2) The pain is same for everyone!

No. The pain is not same for everyone! Some feel it only in the form of discomfort, some feel it so unbearable that a pain-killer has to be with them during these special days, for some the pain scale remains adjustable which can apparently be healed with some home-made recipes and a hot pack on the tummy. While in some cases, the health profile is such that they only experience slight bloating and some experience serious cramping, every hour or two.
It’s one of the features how period hold a care-taking phase for us every month!

3) It is okay to eat normally!

Eat normally, means hydrate more during the periods. Take more nutrients as much as possible. As our gut health is in direct contact with our reproductive system. Paying attention, taking more carbs that promote cellular healing and impart oxygen to your nervous system, for a more calming and accelerated happy period every month.
For more such tips and foods that can help with perfect food selection, read our previous blog: 10 Foods to relieve period pain

4) Hormone defines your day!

Women are much more than hormones! Whether professionally or personally. Periods are nothing but a natural phenomenon, just like a seasonal knee pain, back ache on chilly days, and headaches due to change in seasonal temperatures.
Estrogen accelerates serotonin: that is the ‘Happy Hormone’
While Progesterone increases that part of the brain that accelerates: Fear, Anxiety, and Depression. Hormones can have our moods complicated, and progesterone can depress us through some emotions. It is easy to say sudden mood changes as simply hormones, but stress, external factors like pollution, shaken routines affect the mood to a greater extent. It may happen often during those days but ‘just hormones’ are not something that defines you!

5) Period blood is dirty blood!

Period blood is nothing but your own blood and tissues! One of the major organs in our body is our reproductive system. This not only helps you conceive another life in your womb but also keep you healthy throughout other factors like, skin, hair, nails and glycolic as well as digestive health.
Period blood is not simply a red fluid, it contains, tissues from the shredded inner lining of the uterus, along with minerals like phosphorous, calcium and iron running out of the body.
In a good way it is the perfect detox, and self-cleaning of the female human body.

6) Periods are shameful!

Anything naturally cannot be shameful. It’s high time we understand the importance of periods in a woman’s life, rather than filling this topic with myths and assumptions. Infact, “Hormonal Balance is the secret to beauty and anti-ageing in woman” said Dr. RunVijay (co-founder and chief yoga mentor at Karma Health center.) Thus, having a shameful eye to the inner health and blessing would be a nice thing to leave behind with the year end.

7) Periods need to be a secret!

Well, whispering a natural phenomenon, that half of the mankind goes through, can definitely not be a secret. This secret, is responsible for the secretion of ‘Melatonin’ that regulates sleep quality and hair growth. ‘Insulin’ that regulates weight management. ‘DHEA’ regulates heart health and blood flow in the body. Collectively they form the structure of a beautiful human that remains healthy and strong.

Here are some Myths we busted. Let’s be more cautious of false beliefs surrounding us and keep growing and glowing. Happy period to you!