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10 Remedies to Relieve Periods Cramps

Period and cramps are generally synonymous. Many women are affected by cramps prior to and post their period. Cramps can be mild for some while for some it can be extremely painful and make it difficult to perform daily life chores.

Following are 10 home remedies that will help soothe and relax the discomfort of cramps

Use a Heat Patch

Heat is known to boost circulation in the abdomen, which helps in reducing pain. Applying a heated patch or wrap on your abdomen helps in relaxing the muscles of your uterus which are responsible for period cramps. According to research, a heat wrap for cramps is actually more effective than taking an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever, like acetaminophen.

Massage with Essential Oils

A blend of some essential oils can help ease period cramps and boost circulation when massaged onto the abdomen. A combination of oils like lavender, sage, rose, cinnamon, clove can be used.

Take an OTC Pain Reliever

OTC pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), and aspirin are effective treatments for period cramps. One should make sure to take these only as directed by the doctor.


Exercise releases endorphins, brain chemicals that promote well-being. According to research, types of exercise that can help reduce pain caused by period cramps include gentle, low-impact aerobic exercises, such as walking or swimming. Yoga may also be helpful. Also, with evolve essential pads, it is very comfortable exercising as the pads have wide wings and back for stress-free movement.

Soak in a Tub

A warm bath may be the perfect thing you need to soothe pain and relax tense muscles. Soaking in a warm bathtub by adding a few drops of essential oils — like lavender, sage, or rose for at least 15 minutes is another way to soothe the period pain and relax.



Using yoga for menstrual cramps is truly a pain-relieving therapy. The areas of your body like the belly, pelvis, hips, and lower back can be effectively treated through certain yoga poses.

Avoid Caffeine and Salty Foods

Certain foods are pain accelerators and cause water retention, bloating, and discomfort. These are salty foods, caffeine, alcohol, fatty food, junk, etc. Consuming a low-fat, vegetarian diet can help reduce period pain. Try eating berries, tomatoes, pineapples, and spices like turmeric, ginger, or garlic. Leafy green vegetables, almonds, walnuts, and fatty fish, like salmon, can also help reduce pain.

Stay hydrated

Studies have proven that period pain can elevate if you’re dehydrated. One should aim to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

Reduce Stress

Stress may make cramps worse. Use stress-relief techniques like meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or your own favourite way to relieve stress.

Try Dietary Supplements

Vitamin D can help your body absorb calcium and reduce inflammation. Other supplements, including omega-3, vitamin E, and magnesium, can help reduce inflammation and might even make your periods less painful. For best results, take supplements every day, not just during your period. Also, because some supplements interact with medications, be sure to ask your doctor before taking anything new.